It is more difficult to choose the real truth than living in an illusion world. People do not to want to be alone in their society. Whether they like it or not, the society will feed an illusion and they have to eat it. If they don’t, others will think they are ignorant or crazy being honest. There have been so many evens that people have not awaken from the nightmare without noticing that they were having a night mare. The government shouldn’t allow people to use guns.
Guns are like a fast food of killing weapon. It is easy to use and powerful. If you want to kill a guy with a fist, you have to give him at least 300 punches. Human being is a tough to kill. However, this a glorious invention can kill a lot faster and better. The problem is this fast food chain killer is everywhere in the U. S. Guns come to your hands as if fast-food brings us a burger. It doesn’t take longer.
One of the main reasons people own guns is a protection. They think having a dangerous weapon will really protect them. Personally, the best way to protect is throwing the gun away and not being worried about others attack me. If people had a law in NYC which required everybody to carry guns for protections, they could have total chaos. They would shoot each other every single day. There is not necessary to have protection if we all put more smile to each other.
Having a strong tool like guns makes people more violence psychologically. If you have seen the movie spider man, you might remember that conversation between Peter and his uncle before uncle died. He said that “Great power comes great responsibility”. It is true, but people often can’t keep up their responsibility According to Phillip Zimbardeo‘s Stanford prison experimental, having better position or more power changed peoples’ mind frighteningly easily. He gathered volunteer students and separated two groups. One group was the prisoners and another group was police officers. He made the basement as a prison and started this crazy experiment for two weeks. It went wrong. The people who were police officers changed their character more violence day by day. They beat people who were prisoners so bad. Luckily, nobody died, but it was total chaos and all people lost control. This experiment was done by Nazi before. Even a person with an gel personality might change when he hold his gun. It is difficult not use it when you have the power because human being are fragile. Having a gun is never a good idea.
There have been so many mass shooting in the U.S., yet it is easy to get guns in this country. One of the saddest evens was columbine high school. Two high school students Eric and Dylan shot at high school. They killed more than your ten fingers and harmed innocent people. Eventually, they killed themselves. There was also mass shooting at Virginia Tech. This Korean student killed lots of student and he again killed himself, too. I hope someday, this country will learn from those tragic events.
It takes a lot of courage, energy and open mind to choose the truth. It is easier to be ignorant and pretend in an illusion world. No matter how sad people feel from tragic events, we still do same mistakes. I hope people can change in good way as much as time changes
Wow-- a very interesting choice of an illusory reality that all people that live in this country must live with just because of "our" current way of interpreting the Constitution.