Steak is really juicy and delicious before talking a red pill. It is such a shame that some unfortunately chosen people have to get out the dream and fight against the machines for their limited freedom. The matrix perfectly address that we are no longer good for anything, but destroying the earth. I am pretty sure the audiences think the Matrix Is a cool action movie and have a deep philosophical meaning, and I agree with that the plot has a philosophical wake up, but if you open your eyes and free your mind, you can realize that how selfish human beings still act in any situation. Selfish minds create these mistakes that are unforgettable and unforgivable. Furthermore, our selfish acts have made the world poorer. The more we develop our convenience without care, the more damages we pour to the glass of beautiful earth. Please think carefully before taking the pill to save the world. It is a payback time to revenge human for being selfish. The great world matrix is honestly portraying the reality of our ego minds and I find it that we might end up just like people in the movie if we keep our childish behavior to the nature.
Through our history, we have done nothing, but destroyed our utopia. The nature used to have the perfect harmony. Trees provide beautiful air and the sun gives delightful lights. Animals except nasty human beings are perfect. They know exactly how to live with the nature. They use their power for only survival; awhile we do unnecessary things mostly. Human beings are the worst virus for this world. This replies to the matrix as well. Thus, human stupidly decides to strike the sun to take the power from the machines that they created to provide convenient lives in the movie as well as we take advantages of nature. Because of us some spices never will experience the world or their feet never kiss the beautiful nature. How many spices have we killed? How many times have we cut our nature and destroyed? Only handful people really care about the future and nature. Some of others feel sympathy at some moment. Then, they just happily put chicken in their mouth without caring or knowing of more than 23 million of them are killed per year. I know it is the nature’s rule that stronger survive and eat, but we really seem to enjoy what we eat rather than what we have to eat to survive. Our world has cried for our pleasure, yet we human have not cared enough to bring tissues for their natural tears.
Cypher is the more realistic human being than any other clues. He seems to be the prisoner who stays at the cave or the ignorance according to the Allegory of the cave, but he is not. If you start living the world in complete darkness with food that is no longer pleasurable anymore, most people would feel as Cypher does. Naturally, we human seek to be happy, so Cypher’s selfish act is understandable. If you choose to live in the matrix, you will have your family, your job, and many things that we are looking forward to living with. If you choose the path to wake up and live in the darkest real world, you can physically move and experience the tragic world. Moreover, you have to worry about the machines every day awhile, the others sleep in their lives of dream. Who would live the world with under pressure from the machines and without flowers, and without blue sky? Above all clues are blind even they see the reality. They are blind in front of their mistakes. Cypher is the prisoner who escapes from unwanted tragic freedom.
Machines are kinder than what we are. They only take energy from human beings and makes us buttery. They do not eat us or they do not harm us .They give us eternal sleep and some characters in your dream, and multiple choice of food you can bring on the table. Moreover, people in those mechanic wombs do not seem to be anxious or unhappy. The machines treat you equally if you don’t wake up, awhile we human doesn’t only treat the nature badly, but we sometimes also treat each other with disrespect in reality. Machines are better controller in term of living in the nature than how we treat other species.
I am about to put something in my mouth and brain tells me this is healthy and delicious. What is the point of winning the war? Even, they stop the robots; they still have to face a poor living condition. What would you do? If you are about to live the world without the sun, the fresh air, and things you love. The Matrix does not only show us the sometimes we can be blind in front of truth, but it also secretly tells us that human beings are the most selfish creature on the earth. It is the time to accept that we have to appreciate more about the nature and not to change for our needs. I don’t want the world to be like the movie. If the world already becomes as bad as the movie, don’t plug me out. I’d rather take blue pill and have my life. The Matrix really reflects our weakness and it’s a lesson for us to let the world to be natural.
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