Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blgo 15 Refelction

Imagine that we have the technology to put side by side two versions of yourself, one in early September and one today. Putting aside any physical differences (from hair to weight to clothes etc), what would the compare and contrast yield in terms of intellectual and emotional differences? You can discuss what happened in this class in terms of ideas you encountered, writing you did, people you got to know but you certainly do not have to limit the analysis to the classes you had with me only (or even just to college). Develop your response with
“Time is what we want the most, yet what we spend the worst” is one of the most favorite quotes and my motto. I believe that we do not appreciate the time as much as we should. That’s why we are sometimes lazy and we spoil our ability. When I came to this class the first time, I did not prepare as a good student at all. In fact, I love expressing my thoughts and I deeply appreciate literature, yet I did not focus fully. It was my fault and I should’ve worked as much as I could. I hope that this motivates me when I start next classes to study harder.
Although, I have not been a good student in the classes, I still appreciated that what all professors brought. In Japan, academic is very restricted. I got to say there is not much freedom for students in Japan and the Professors are not as friendly as here. I learned a lot of things about media which will help me when I major PR.I love films, and American film class put me in completely different perspective. Eng 101 definitely helps me to develop an essay.
Reading my classmates essay enriched my academic writing and the professor did not bore us, but try to teach us philosophy from the movies, so we can be interested. Especially, I love GATTACA. The movie became one of the most favorite movies. It inspired me a lot since I was the only international student in the class with lack of English skills. Honestly, I have a worse start, but hopefully, I will make it up just like Vincent.
I don’t think I have spent my time wisely in this semester. That made me disappointed, so from now, I will focus and fulfill my academic. Overall, there is a bit of change if I compare me from September to me as now. I am more willing to learn and I am ready to be a good student.

the matrix the nature in touture

Steak is really juicy and delicious before talking a red pill. It is such a shame that some unfortunately chosen people have to get out the dream and fight against the machines for their limited freedom. The matrix perfectly address that we are no longer good for anything, but destroying the earth. I am pretty sure the audiences think the Matrix Is a cool action movie and have a deep philosophical meaning, and I agree with that the plot has a philosophical wake up, but if you open your eyes and free your mind, you can realize that how selfish human beings still act in any situation. Selfish minds create these mistakes that are unforgettable and unforgivable. Furthermore, our selfish acts have made the world poorer. The more we develop our convenience without care, the more damages we pour to the glass of beautiful earth. Please think carefully before taking the pill to save the world. It is a payback time to revenge human for being selfish. The great world matrix is honestly portraying the reality of our ego minds and I find it that we might end up just like people in the movie if we keep our childish behavior to the nature.

Through our history, we have done nothing, but destroyed our utopia. The nature used to have the perfect harmony. Trees provide beautiful air and the sun gives delightful lights. Animals except nasty human beings are perfect. They know exactly how to live with the nature. They use their power for only survival; awhile we do unnecessary things mostly. Human beings are the worst virus for this world. This replies to the matrix as well. Thus, human stupidly decides to strike the sun to take the power from the machines that they created to provide convenient lives in the movie as well as we take advantages of nature. Because of us some spices never will experience the world or their feet never kiss the beautiful nature. How many spices have we killed? How many times have we cut our nature and destroyed? Only handful people really care about the future and nature. Some of others feel sympathy at some moment. Then, they just happily put chicken in their mouth without caring or knowing of more than 23 million of them are killed per year. I know it is the nature’s rule that stronger survive and eat, but we really seem to enjoy what we eat rather than what we have to eat to survive. Our world has cried for our pleasure, yet we human have not cared enough to bring tissues for their natural tears.

Cypher is the more realistic human being than any other clues. He seems to be the prisoner who stays at the cave or the ignorance according to the Allegory of the cave, but he is not. If you start living the world in complete darkness with food that is no longer pleasurable anymore, most people would feel as Cypher does. Naturally, we human seek to be happy, so Cypher’s selfish act is understandable. If you choose to live in the matrix, you will have your family, your job, and many things that we are looking forward to living with. If you choose the path to wake up and live in the darkest real world, you can physically move and experience the tragic world. Moreover, you have to worry about the machines every day awhile, the others sleep in their lives of dream. Who would live the world with under pressure from the machines and without flowers, and without blue sky? Above all clues are blind even they see the reality. They are blind in front of their mistakes. Cypher is the prisoner who escapes from unwanted tragic freedom.

Machines are kinder than what we are. They only take energy from human beings and makes us buttery. They do not eat us or they do not harm us .They give us eternal sleep and some characters in your dream, and multiple choice of food you can bring on the table. Moreover, people in those mechanic wombs do not seem to be anxious or unhappy. The machines treat you equally if you don’t wake up, awhile we human doesn’t only treat the nature badly, but we sometimes also treat each other with disrespect in reality. Machines are better controller in term of living in the nature than how we treat other species.

I am about to put something in my mouth and brain tells me this is healthy and delicious. What is the point of winning the war? Even, they stop the robots; they still have to face a poor living condition. What would you do? If you are about to live the world without the sun, the fresh air, and things you love. The Matrix does not only show us the sometimes we can be blind in front of truth, but it also secretly tells us that human beings are the most selfish creature on the earth. It is the time to accept that we have to appreciate more about the nature and not to change for our needs. I don’t want the world to be like the movie. If the world already becomes as bad as the movie, don’t plug me out. I’d rather take blue pill and have my life. The Matrix really reflects our weakness and it’s a lesson for us to let the world to be natural.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dog day afternoon (final draft)

Hironori Matsumoto
ENG 103 2612
Dr. Vasileiou

Dog Day Afternoon

When we see movies that say they are based on a true story, can we honestly believe what we see? I believe that books or movies can be deeply profound, when they are written with the truth. As we all know, movies are fictional; except documentary films. Mostly in order to capture our interest, make us grab our seats tight as we let the director bring more than just exact reality; (1) “Art is a lie that tells you truth”. That is a famous quote of Pablo Picasso. Movies are the ultimate art; it can provide people great entertainment instantly. We humans can be entertained visually and musically; that is the reason why people sit comfortably on their couch and watch DVDs, or buy big expensive bags of popcorn and a gigantic soda just to experience another world. While watching the movie Dog Day Afternoon, I felt like as if I were watching a bank robbery reality TV show. It was sensational, awfully funny, passionate and dramatic.
New York was known as the center of the financial world. Generally, foreigners or people outside of the U.S easily misunderstood people who lived in New York; they thought they were happy and rich, but they were truly not. People in New York struggled just as much as people who lived in underdeveloped countries. Particularly, the seventies was a decade when New Yorkers lived unhappily and faced serious problems. Often, poor people had to live with unpaid bills and in turn had limited lives. This triggered a good, innocent, young male to attempt armed robbery during a steamy hot summer and the directors and actors of Dog Day Afternoon captured this tragic day well and not only portrayed, but the movie also shaped the reality of a hot day of Brooklyn.
(1) John Wojtowicz came back as a veteran from Vietnam War who used to be the bank teller at several banks in New York. He was not a typical type to commit crime, however, his lover who happened to be transsexual tried to commit suicide several times because he could not live with his male body with female soul. His suicidal belabor took him to psychiatric hospital and it seemed to be forever and she never got better until he could become a female. John sadly could not support her/him financially, Out of his desperation; he met his final unwanted solution which was to rob the bank.
In the nineteen seventies, the whole world was becoming more rational in its approach to social, economical, and political issues. Wars seemed to be going on forever and for the first time, American patriotism decreased. There were more protests then ever before in history. People were not accepting the government’s objectives anymore and they had little reason to uphold their faith in such an institution.
The economy fell apart and did not get back together. (2)The Inflation was a huge factor in the national debt. The money spent for the Vietnam War also caused serious economical and social issues. It was hard for people to accept the debt brought on by a war that most people objected to. It was also the cause of lots of American deaths; it made many windows and fatherless children. People did not know what to do with their rage and grief.
Economically, the nineteen seventy’s created more devastation than natural disasters, like hurricanes and thunderstorm. (2)The oil crisis and energy crisis in nineteen seventy-three was caused by Arab members of the organization known as OAPEC. They made oil as precious as diamonds. This factor poured gasoline on the huge fire that was inflation.
(3) According to census, average salary of seventies was six thousand three hundred
eighteen dollars in New York City which did not satisfied a lot of people in New York City since everything became more pricy and pricy. (4)A decent family cars cost about three thousand dollars and a sex change operation cost two thousand five hundred dollars. There were so many people struggled as much as John did He was a bank teller and, generally bank tellers made about a hundred dollars. (5) Classified Ads of New York Times said that income of bank teller from a hundred dollars to a hundred fifty dollars. There was no way for John to maintain his living and to support his lover financially. No matter how much people tried to manage their living, there were so many people had unpaid bills and empty wallets in seventies and the economy did not do them a favor at all.

The stresses caused by the political and social issues made people want a release for their stress even more. People were not as willing to give up on creature comforts in such a time. It was a time where people realized that there was no need for so many injustices to be going on forever, when all people wanted was simply their basic human rights in such stressful times. It was about to time to stand up for their lives.

People finally started to think outside the box and became who they really were, rather than who they had to be. There were several significant social events that took place in the nineteen seventies. Before the seventies, it was not acceptable to be homosexual socially. Gay people nowadays can walk proudly because of their spiritual brothers and sisters in the seventies who fought for their freedom.(5) On June twenty-eighth nineteen seventy, there was the first LGBT; which was symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual march in NYC. This movement encouraged lots of gay people to stand up for themselves; to not feel ashamed about their true sexuality and sure enough, people slowly started accepting them as equal members of society. (6)Another act was the rise of feminism. Women had fought for their rights since the sixties and finally the seed of justice grew that was planted not so long ago, blossomed into a flower. It was the right time for people to vocalize that they were not happy with discrimination and fought for their freedom.

There was not justice in the world at all at the time. The world was darker and unhappier because of politicians led us to this miserable lives. (7)One of the examples and the movie stressed intentionally was Attica prison riot. The prison officers did not treat prisoners at Attica prison in NYC. Awhile the whole world was touching the boiling point, the prisoners in Attica prison felt extremely angry about their poor living condition. It was not exactly living, but torturing. Racism was everywhere, and the officers used unnecessary violence. Thus, they could not even have nice warm traditional prisoner meal every day. Then, the prisoners decided to fight for their limited freedom. There was a negotiation between prisoners and police, but it never ended, so the governor Nelson Rockefeller ordered the police to take back control with violence. It ended to have thirty nine people dead in September of nineteen seventy one. It was easier to control prisoners with pure violence than to negotiate. The world desperately needed the right leader to fix countless problems, but they just let the world breed and made people hate this country.

Sidney Lumet directed the historical film called Dog Day Afternoon. The movie was based on a true story and Al Pacino was meant to act as the main character; he looked just like the bank robber John Wojtowicz and he portrayed realistically. The plot was very simple and the movie hardly used any back ground music, yet this film powerfully moved us in different levels.
One day on a hot afternoon, the bank was about to close at normal time. Sonny Wortzik, a virgin bank robber, nervously opened the door of the bank. He had never given much thought about robbery, until his transsexual second wife came along. He/she did not want to live as a man any more. He couldn’t bear to be a male and it made him suicidal to be in a masculine body, but he couldn’t afford the sex change operation.
Sonny had no choice but thought of the only logical thing he could think of; rob a bank. Unfortunately, he robbed the bank out of desperation and could not properly plan for such. He brought his friends Stevie and Sal along to do the job, but Stevie left immediately. He got way nervous. After Sonny and Sal managed to control the bank tellers and the manager, Sonny opened the vault. The money was supposedly a lot more but they only found eleven hundred dollars.
The hostages were quite sympathetic and supportive to their situation, but eventually the police came and had them surrounded and then there were thousands of people and cameras everywhere. Some hostages began to have medical problems. Showing minor amounts of compassion, but also his intent to not harm anyone, Sonny let some hostages go and concocted a plan to get him and Sal to a jet. Before taking the hostages and fleeing to JFK air port, Sonny makes a call to his first wife and then to his second wife, the reason why he committed the crime in the first place.
Later, Sonny and Sal were almost home free; they were about to get in their get away car that would shuttle them to the airport. Sonny checked every inch of the car, and every thing seemed to be right as they were driving to the airport. But once they were about to board the plane, a gun secret gun was commandeered by one of the agents driving the car and Sal was shot in the head. Sonny was being constrained the whole time. The hostages were let go and Sonny went to the federal prison for 20 years.

Although, the movie was more dramatic and funny, it portrayed the reality of hot summer afternoon. The director carefully emphasized and shaped the reality. Socially, the movie exactly brought the energy of the people. The main reason some people surrounded the bank because they wanted to share the anger and scream for their freedom. Thousands of cheering spectators yelled and encouraged as real surrenders did. Politically, the most memorable sense where Sonny screamed to crowd “Attica Atiica”. It was one of the terrible riots and the situation related his circumstance. He yelled at the crowd as if he were a good politician about to give them real freedom. He pleased his audience and released their anger temporally. Financially, actors’ attitude toward the poor economy situation was very accurate. None of people seemed to be satisfied with their living fully because of their economic situations. A scene where the head bank-teller told Sonny how much bank tellers earned a day which was only a hundred dollars a day. It was about similar with the bank tellers in NYC earned at the time.. The director chose the location and building carefully and realistically. The neighbor seemed to be exactly poor as real in Brooklyn and the director used same type of small bank in the movie. The actors’ emotion through the movie was unbelievably real. Actors used ad lib and their own languages to enrich their acting. Especially Al Pacino took his character perfectly. I could tell easily this character Sonny was not crazy or a criminal type. He was just an ordinary guy who loved his transsexual wife and needed help. Even though, he yelled and expressed his anger several times, there were still so many movements that he was harmless and kind person. Sonny and hostages built up a good relationship. Sonny treated people nicely as John did for hostages.(10) One of the bank tellers claimed that John was mostly nice to everybody and Al Pacion acted this unbalanced emotional character through the entire movie amazingly. It was more than acting. The character was definitely alive and John Wojtowicz himself even appreciated Al Pacino’s performance. The dog day afternoon was a lie that told us the truth indeed.

Why did this historical movie without using hardly special effects or catchy background music make a huge success? I think because it was combined a reality and a tragedy. There is nothing can be more entertaining than somebody’s tragedy. Thus, John’s tragedy easily became fortunately magic on screen. I believe that people watched this movie, felt differently, but as if they similarly watched news about armed robbery. The movie was not a perfect crime and there was no happy ending. It was dark and brutal just like John and Sal ended up at JFK.The director specifically chose this plot and actors to give us a history of how unfortunate for John to be a robber for his lover. Indeed, there were some moments I could laugh, and the movie did not exactly show entire New York City, but overall the movie was realistic and it was a time machine for me to see how tragic the event was.

Work cite

(1)Cole, B.. "The Artist as Showman A Conversation with John Updike. " Humanities 1 May 2008: ProQuest Education Journals, ProQuest. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.

(2 )Pietrantonio, Silvia. "The year that never was: 1973 and the crisis between the United States and the European Community." Journal of Transatlantic Studies 8.2 (2010): 158-177. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web.24 Nov. 2010.

(3) Social

(5)"Classified Ad 64 -- No Title. " New York Times (1923-Current file) 29 Aug. 1971,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2007), ProQuest. Web. 17 Nov. 2010.

(6 )Park :Thousands of Homosexuals Hold A Protest Rally in Central Park. " New York Times (1923-Current file) 29 Jun 1970,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2007), ProQuest. Web. 17 Nov. 2010.

(7) By SUSAN BROWNMILLER. "'Sisterhood Is Powerful' :A member of the Women's Liberation Movement explains what it's all about 'Sisterhood is powerful' "The goals of women's liberation go beyond a simple concept of equality" The ultimate oppressor: Man or Capitalism?. " New York Times (1923-Current file) 15 Mar. 1970,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2007), ProQuest. Web. 23 Nov.. 2010.

(8) "Attica Took Its Name From Site of Athens. " New York Times (1923-Current file) 14 Sep. 1971,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2007), ProQuest. Web. 19 Nov. 2010.

(9)Special to The New York Times. "Robber Sentenced In a Holdup to PayFor 'Sex Change'. " New York Times (1923-Current file) 24 Apr. 1973,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2007), ProQuest. Web. 2 Dec. 2010.

(10)By FRANK J. PRIAL. "2 Hold 8 Hostages in a Bank in Brooklyn :2 Hold 8 Hostages in Brooklyn Bank. " New York Times (1923-Current file) 23 Aug. 1972,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2007), ProQuest. Web. 20 Nov. 2010.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

blog the other

I have almost always avoided Facebook, making friends online and because that’s not how I want to relate to the world or communicate with my friends or my family. I believe this internet society of ours and our smart phones make out lives more convenient. For instance, I am from Japan and I use Skype to talk to my family and my friends. I am satisfied with using it: however, technology leaves an empty space in my mind to wonder if true feeling and thoughts really touch them or not. I believe true relationships never leave any space or time to doubt. I easily consider people as the other who depend on technology of communication that really forget how to truly interfere with one another. I have a great story to prove that true intimacy is not found online.

When we were twenty years old, some good friends and I decided to go camping in Nagano in japan which was a four hour drive from our city. It was summer and we wanted to explore and, more importantly, there was a nightclub there, which was hip and attracted beautiful women. We were attracted as well. When you are 20 years old, 89% of your time you think about girls. We decided the time, the location to camp, and everything else we needed to over the course of a night at my house, All seven of us couldn’t stop talking about the next day’s trip.

The next morning, when we woke up, we immediately put our sleepy heads in to our ugly rented van. No matter how tired we were, it was easy riding all the way to Nagano. Only four people had driver’s licenses, so Takeshi, Paul, Gen, and I drove the van. We had serious noise blasting from radio, and the people who weren’t driving opened up some bottles of liquor. We all felt as if the small world of the van was the whole world we needed at the time.

After reached the campsite in Nagano, at four forty-five pm, we made our move quickly. The tents were put up well from our rushed point of view. We were ready to make a fire and we all became, to see the psychological term, drunken monkeys. The experience was so much fun not only getting drunk, but also talking to the many people at the camp. We all became instant brothers and sisters in front of the fire. Time was ticking, but we all wished the time would never end.

That night we headed to the club we had dreamed about going to. We didn’t make the stupid decision which would have been driving a van after drinking large amounts of our anonymous alcohol. We all managed to think clearly enough, and decided that walking. Ryu started to sing Ring of Fire out loud. I told him his accent for the song was punk Japanese Cash. Ryu really liked Johnny Cash a lot, so did we all. Almost everybody felt that walking a long distance at night wasn’t such a bad idea. We sang, drank, and danced on the road. The night sky asked us if all we did in our lives was to have fun and enjoy being. Maybe that was all we did, but I think It doesn’t matter how old we are now; I hope and believe, that everybody who was there remembers that experience. Nobody could teach us “No Pain No Gain”, yet.

The pain, which we never expected to encounter, was actually waiting for us on the road. Paul saw a stray cat on the road and he tried teasing. He was catching that cat carefully while a speeding car was coming right toward him. The moment stopped us. We slowly saw blood being to appear and his body was flying.
At the hospital, we asked ourselves what had happened to us. We all thought this trip was going to be nothing, but fun. We argued over and over who was at fault or blamed everything about that situation. I felt that talking and arguing was a waste of our time. All we had to do was believe in him, and believe he would survive. Luckily, he came back to us. The operation was successful, but due to the damage the accident caused, the doctor decided to amputate his arm to save his life. When Paul got regained his consciousness, he was speechless and cried over the tragedy. We all cried a lot, but funny thing was Paul said that we didn’t have to be sad. He also said he just lost one good arm, but he didn’t lose his friends. We embraced his strength that saved all of us.
We have always kept in touch no matter how far I am from Japan. They are great friends. I can’t find friends like them on eBay. They are priceless friends. Having true relationships is not a lot more important than a lot of stuff we stress out about. Money can’t make us happy. Cars don’t listen to you. Staring at Facebook pictures doesn’t make you have a true relationship. I am glad to know that and I am glad to share it with you, so please don’t facebook me the others!!

Mass media

Hironori Matsumoto
Professor Louis A. Lucca
HUC 120
31 October
Steve jobs Rock on Roller CEO

Mass media has been around more than a century. Through its history, there were many great tools that informed us messages such as books, newspapers. radio, and TV. The newest son of mass media was born and named the internet around 1970’s and it has been fast food chain of information. Mass media plays an important role. It donates us significant issues or current events. Mass media is true definition of communication and it connects people and I don’t think there is a better person than Steve Jobs in channel of mass media currently. Steve Job is CEO of Apple Inc and He was also a precious CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. Every time, we see him, we wonder what he is going to give us next something new and exciting. I know there a lot of people hate his guts and ego, but he is one of the most influential people in the world and a punk rock CEO.
As we know, the internet is the fastest and most useful media. You can research anything you like. It also allows us to communicate around the world, and I believe that Steve Jobs made it possible by creating affordable personal computer for us. It began with Steve Job’s garage like rock on roll band’s jamming. Jobs and The Woz jammed the computer.
Before Mackintosh was born to the world, Steve job was born to Jandali and Joanne Carole February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. Later on, he was adapted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Biological parents did not like the fact that Both of Jobs did not graduate from college. They almost reconsidered another academic family, but Both of Jobs insisted to have him and promised that they would encourage Steve to go to college. They got a son of a revolution.
Steve Jobs attended Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, and he also went to after-school lectures at Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto, California. With his passion and devotion he was hired there as a summer employee and met Steve Wozniak was co-founder of Apple Inc who was one of the most important partners of his life.
As his parents promised after graduated from high school, He enrolled Reed College Portland, Oregon, but he only took one semester and dropped out because he was not fully motivated in schooling and he did not feel like wasting his parents’ money which was not a lot. However, Instead of taking classes in order to graduate, he took calligraphy which later on inspired him to have the Mac with beautiful multiple typeface and spaced fronts.
In 1974, Steve Jobs finally returned to California and worked as a technician at Atari. He then saved enough money to go to India for his spiritual adventure with a friend from Reed College. During his spiritual trip, he experienced with LSD which he recalled one of the most impotent experiences he has ever done. Then, he shaved his hair and became Buddhist.
After his trip, he got back to his previous job at Atari again. His task was to create circuit board for video game. Atari offered 100 dollar per chip and with help from Wozniak he made 50 of them. The funny thing was he told Wozniak to share equally and he earned five thousand dollars, but he lied Wozniak that they both got $ 700 and gave him only $ 350.
At the same time, Steve jobs were also fascinated with marketing poetical of a computer. He and Wozniak gathered money from selling their belongings and formed their first own company called Apple computer Inc from Jobs’s garage. He thought the computers back then were way bigger and they were too expensive for people to afford. His idea of making smaller and more affordable computer from his garage provided us the true personal computer and eventually made them multiple garage millionaires.
Their jamming eventually met right sound. They introduced Apple I July 1976 which cost 666 dollars. Apple I was hand-made and they made 200 of them. They could not sell all of them, but it was good beginning and led to the next song called home computer. Apple II was the first successful home computer. Apple II succeeded in academic field. Other personal computers were expensive and School in America could not afford to have computers, but Apple II changed schooling. At the time, Steve Wozniak unfortunately left Apple.
Like a flower withered, Apple Inc was not a dry tree; it sometime failed just like everybody and every company. The Apple Lisa projects started earlier 1980’s. Unlike Apple’s policy, it was a way expensive and slow. Apple Lisa was one of the products become garbage.
Steve Jobs should’ve been CEO at the time, but he was young and inexperienced, so Steve jobs invited John Scullery in 1983. John Scullery was previous CEO of Pepsi-Cola and Jobs and Scullery together were known as dynamic duo. When Steve Jobs offered John Scullery a position of CEO, he asked him” Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or, do you want to come with me and change the world?”. John Scullery was great CEO at Pepsi and he was good at marketing and advertising. While he was at Pepsi he hired Michael Jackson for commercial and he also did unique work called “Pepsi challenge”. Steve Jobs inflamed the fire of curiosity of powerful CEO of Pepsi which was not a great idea because he would get fired later. Macintosh came with a memorable advertisement in 1984. That commercial was created by Steve Hayden. Macintosh featured one button mouse and graphic user interface. Apple Inc met the first maximum success. Macintosh was also used in many schools. Macintosh was the revolution of personal computer. It was a team work, but Steve Jobs led all.
Even, Steve Jobs got fired from his own company; he still contributed to provide affordable computers and give us an opportune to use internet. He grew the mass media. He could’ve retired with all money he had at the time, but getting fired did not stop Steve Jobs desire.
His charisma and energy have brought us many revolutionary products that easy to use and easy to love. Steve jobs are known as a control freak or an anxious CEO. He sometimes humiliates his employees or rival companies. He often pushes employees and he does not accept excuse or no. That’s why Apple‘s products are amazing and reliable that a lot of people in the world are satisfied with. First time, I got my I pod, I hardly read the manual and I could not find any problem using it. I had to admit that my previous Mp3 player was not as simple as I pod. Another example is my grandfather’s love for Mac. My grandfather had a difficulty using Windows obviously. He read the manual from the first page to the end of it for many times, but it seemed that explanatory pamphlet was second language to him. He almost always needed to be assisted from me or my younger brother. To release himself from dilemma, he sold his laptop. He almost gave up his adventure of computer. Then, the miracle came to him on Christmas day. It was not Santa Cross that encouraged him to go back to his joinery. It was another computer with touch of motto of easy to use, called Mac book. Of cause, he was skeptical at first. He did not even want to have it as a gift, but once he started using, it became addictive to him. After then, he hardly asked us to help him. He finally met the last son of the media was the internet. He was happy with his Mac book and he also wished that grandmother was as easy as Mac book to him. I tunes is the digital door for everybody to enter music world. Steve jobs himself loves music. When he introduced Macintosh, he started with quote from poem of Bob Dylan. He knows no matter what generations, people can connect with music and poem strongly. He personally participated making I tunes software. Originally, there were free music downloading soft wares before I tunes, and it was a good idea to divert music through the internet, but those were illegal. To make it good business legally and more importantly not to make big record labels upset, he introduced us I tunes software. It revolutionized music industry and a way that people listen to music. You can easily find people with I pod while you are taking subway or walking on the street. My previous roommate did not appreciate music and rarely listened to music until he used I tunes. The reason why he rarely listened to music was he did not know any good music and he was lazy to go to music stores to find good music for him from tons of CDs. His laziness disappeared and regain curiosity for music with I tunes. Use of ease encouraged him to listen to music and he could find music anytime he liked. He finally started enjoying his music life. Now, he carries his I pod anywhere he goes. I tunes gave a great opportune for him to open his mind and ears. Although, Steve jobs has bad temper and yell at his employees, he has introduced us great products and changed people’s lives. Steve Jobs was hard and loud to his employees to give us ease.

He was not only a charismatic CEO, but He was also good at sniffing remarkable ideas. After he got fired from his own company with some money in his pockets, he smelled instinctively potential of Pixar. When he found out that George Lucas wanted to sell one of the graphic group from Lucasfims, he purchased with it 10 millions immediately. He was sure about CG animation would change entire history of animation. In the beginning, the company did not work as smoothly as he hoped. At the same time he also had a company called the NeXT Computer which was not also beneficial. He spent a lot of money for polishing stones to somehow become diamonds. Luckily, one of them slowly but surely became a diamond. Pixar as a diamond got a partnership with platinum ring which was Disney. Pixar and Disney together came up with the first film. It was sensational and memorable for everybody in first time to experience CG animation called “Toy Story” in 1995. It was a huge success and made fortune to both companies. Personally, I went to see the movies several times and I could enjoy every minute of the film. It was differentiated from any other animation and it was very creative with such a good story. I could hardly find people around me who hated or disliked the film. After release of the film, they have produced many good films and most of them have been hits. They showed new possibility of film. Pixar won the Oscar for three times and tied with jack Nicholson. Another thing, he realized was Smartphone. According to his presentation, He found Smartphone was way difficult to use with lots of buttons, so he gave a direction to Apple engineers to make a phone with a touchscreen. After introduction of I phone, lots of people went to buy it. I phone was the first phone with multiple touches. It changed the history of phone and I phone became the one of the most popular smartphones. When Steve jobs smelled something good; he was the fastest dog to make a move and feed us endless needs and make our wallet on diet.

All products from Apple Inc are elegant and simple, but without Steve Jobs’ words, the products will be spoiled and they will die like fishes out of water. I don’t think people can deny how good Steve job presents us. When He introduces something, he doesn’t use high level vocabulary or show images with lots of tiny details. I believe when people really know what they are doing, they can simplify their explanation as well as Steve Jobs. He always inspires his audience with his key words with passion such as cool, incredible, and extraordinary awhile most business people use their own words and try to complicate instead. Steve jobs’ words are the key recipe to make even products have richer taste.

As you could see, he has been around for a long time with lots of stuff. He influences many generations globally. Lots of CEO usually eat fabulous food and get fat with expensive suits while Steve Jobs wear his signature jeans and black turtle neck on the stage. I assure that he will always influence and introduce us something. Something that change the way we live, so what if he got an attitude. We still wait for him to rock our world.

Work Cited;
(1) Youtube Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
Youtube broadcast yourself 31 Oct 2010
(2) Wilcox, Joe. "i Tunes: 5 billion served." eWeek 25.20 (2008): 7. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 30 Oct. 2010.
(3) Jeffry S , Young iCon Steve Jobs; The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business
(4) Andy Herzfeld May 1985 The end of an era

Mass media

Hironori Matsumoto
Professor Louis A. Lucca
HUC 120
31 October
Steve jobs Rock on Roller CEO

Mass media has been around more than a century. Through its history, there were many great tools that informed us messages such as books, newspapers. radio, and TV. The newest son of mass media was born and named the internet around 1970’s and it has been fast food chain of information. Mass media plays an important role. It donates us significant issues or current events. Mass media is true definition of communication and it connects people and I don’t think there is a better person than Steve Jobs in channel of mass media currently. Steve Job is CEO of Apple Inc and He was also a precious CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. Every time, we see him, we wonder what he is going to give us next something new and exciting. I know there a lot of people hate his guts and ego, but he is one of the most influential people in the world and a punk rock CEO.
As we know, the internet is the fastest and most useful media. You can research anything you like. It also allows us to communicate around the world, and I believe that Steve Jobs made it possible by creating affordable personal computer for us. It began with Steve Job’s garage like rock on roll band’s jamming. Jobs and The Woz jammed the computer.
Before Mackintosh was born to the world, Steve job was born to Jandali and Joanne Carole February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. Later on, he was adapted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Biological parents did not like the fact that Both of Jobs did not graduate from college. They almost reconsidered another academic family, but Both of Jobs insisted to have him and promised that they would encourage Steve to go to college. They got a son of a revolution.
Steve Jobs attended Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, and he also went to after-school lectures at Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto, California. With his passion and devotion he was hired there as a summer employee and met Steve Wozniak was co-founder of Apple Inc who was one of the most important partners of his life.
As his parents promised after graduated from high school, He enrolled Reed College Portland, Oregon, but he only took one semester and dropped out because he was not fully motivated in schooling and he did not feel like wasting his parents’ money which was not a lot. However, Instead of taking classes in order to graduate, he took calligraphy which later on inspired him to have the Mac with beautiful multiple typeface and spaced fronts.
In 1974, Steve Jobs finally returned to California and worked as a technician at Atari. He then saved enough money to go to India for his spiritual adventure with a friend from Reed College. During his spiritual trip, he experienced with LSD which he recalled one of the most impotent experiences he has ever done. Then, he shaved his hair and became Buddhist.
After his trip, he got back to his previous job at Atari again. His task was to create circuit board for video game. Atari offered 100 dollar per chip and with help from Wozniak he made 50 of them. The funny thing was he told Wozniak to share equally and he earned five thousand dollars, but he lied Wozniak that they both got $ 700 and gave him only $ 350.
At the same time, Steve jobs were also fascinated with marketing poetical of a computer. He and Wozniak gathered money from selling their belongings and formed their first own company called Apple computer Inc from Jobs’s garage. He thought the computers back then were way bigger and they were too expensive for people to afford. His idea of making smaller and more affordable computer from his garage provided us the true personal computer and eventually made them multiple garage millionaires.
Their jamming eventually met right sound. They introduced Apple I July 1976 which cost 666 dollars. Apple I was hand-made and they made 200 of them. They could not sell all of them, but it was good beginning and led to the next song called home computer. Apple II was the first successful home computer. Apple II succeeded in academic field. Other personal computers were expensive and School in America could not afford to have computers, but Apple II changed schooling. At the time, Steve Wozniak unfortunately left Apple.
Like a flower withered, Apple Inc was not a dry tree; it sometime failed just like everybody and every company. The Apple Lisa projects started earlier 1980’s. Unlike Apple’s policy, it was a way expensive and slow. Apple Lisa was one of the products become garbage.
Steve Jobs should’ve been CEO at the time, but he was young and inexperienced, so Steve jobs invited John Scullery in 1983. John Scullery was previous CEO of Pepsi-Cola and Jobs and Scullery together were known as dynamic duo. When Steve Jobs offered John Scullery a position of CEO, he asked him” Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or, do you want to come with me and change the world?”. John Scullery was great CEO at Pepsi and he was good at marketing and advertising. While he was at Pepsi he hired Michael Jackson for commercial and he also did unique work called “Pepsi challenge”. Steve Jobs inflamed the fire of curiosity of powerful CEO of Pepsi which was not a great idea because he would get fired later. Macintosh came with a memorable advertisement in 1984. That commercial was created by Steve Hayden. Macintosh featured one button mouse and graphic user interface. Apple Inc met the first maximum success. Macintosh was also used in many schools. Macintosh was the revolution of personal computer. It was a team work, but Steve Jobs led all.
Even, Steve Jobs got fired from his own company; he still contributed to provide affordable computers and give us an opportune to use internet. He grew the mass media. He could’ve retired with all money he had at the time, but getting fired did not stop Steve Jobs desire.
His charisma and energy have brought us many revolutionary products that easy to use and easy to love. Steve jobs are known as a control freak or an anxious CEO. He sometimes humiliates his employees or rival companies. He often pushes employees and he does not accept excuse or no. That’s why Apple‘s products are amazing and reliable that a lot of people in the world are satisfied with. First time, I got my I pod, I hardly read the manual and I could not find any problem using it. I had to admit that my previous Mp3 player was not as simple as I pod. Another example is my grandfather’s love for Mac. My grandfather had a difficulty using Windows obviously. He read the manual from the first page to the end of it for many times, but it seemed that explanatory pamphlet was second language to him. He almost always needed to be assisted from me or my younger brother. To release himself from dilemma, he sold his laptop. He almost gave up his adventure of computer. Then, the miracle came to him on Christmas day. It was not Santa Cross that encouraged him to go back to his joinery. It was another computer with touch of motto of easy to use, called Mac book. Of cause, he was skeptical at first. He did not even want to have it as a gift, but once he started using, it became addictive to him. After then, he hardly asked us to help him. He finally met the last son of the media was the internet. He was happy with his Mac book and he also wished that grandmother was as easy as Mac book to him. I tunes is the digital door for everybody to enter music world. Steve jobs himself loves music. When he introduced Macintosh, he started with quote from poem of Bob Dylan. He knows no matter what generations, people can connect with music and poem strongly. He personally participated making I tunes software. Originally, there were free music downloading soft wares before I tunes, and it was a good idea to divert music through the internet, but those were illegal. To make it good business legally and more importantly not to make big record labels upset, he introduced us I tunes software. It revolutionized music industry and a way that people listen to music. You can easily find people with I pod while you are taking subway or walking on the street. My previous roommate did not appreciate music and rarely listened to music until he used I tunes. The reason why he rarely listened to music was he did not know any good music and he was lazy to go to music stores to find good music for him from tons of CDs. His laziness disappeared and regain curiosity for music with I tunes. Use of ease encouraged him to listen to music and he could find music anytime he liked. He finally started enjoying his music life. Now, he carries his I pod anywhere he goes. I tunes gave a great opportune for him to open his mind and ears. Although, Steve jobs has bad temper and yell at his employees, he has introduced us great products and changed people’s lives. Steve Jobs was hard and loud to his employees to give us ease.

He was not only a charismatic CEO, but He was also good at sniffing remarkable ideas. After he got fired from his own company with some money in his pockets, he smelled instinctively potential of Pixar. When he found out that George Lucas wanted to sell one of the graphic group from Lucasfims, he purchased with it 10 millions immediately. He was sure about CG animation would change entire history of animation. In the beginning, the company did not work as smoothly as he hoped. At the same time he also had a company called the NeXT Computer which was not also beneficial. He spent a lot of money for polishing stones to somehow become diamonds. Luckily, one of them slowly but surely became a diamond. Pixar as a diamond got a partnership with platinum ring which was Disney. Pixar and Disney together came up with the first film. It was sensational and memorable for everybody in first time to experience CG animation called “Toy Story” in 1995. It was a huge success and made fortune to both companies. Personally, I went to see the movies several times and I could enjoy every minute of the film. It was differentiated from any other animation and it was very creative with such a good story. I could hardly find people around me who hated or disliked the film. After release of the film, they have produced many good films and most of them have been hits. They showed new possibility of film. Pixar won the Oscar for three times and tied with jack Nicholson. Another thing, he realized was Smartphone. According to his presentation, He found Smartphone was way difficult to use with lots of buttons, so he gave a direction to Apple engineers to make a phone with a touchscreen. After introduction of I phone, lots of people went to buy it. I phone was the first phone with multiple touches. It changed the history of phone and I phone became the one of the most popular smartphones. When Steve jobs smelled something good; he was the fastest dog to make a move and feed us endless needs and make our wallet on diet.

All products from Apple Inc are elegant and simple, but without Steve Jobs’ words, the products will be spoiled and they will die like fishes out of water. I don’t think people can deny how good Steve job presents us. When He introduces something, he doesn’t use high level vocabulary or show images with lots of tiny details. I believe when people really know what they are doing, they can simplify their explanation as well as Steve Jobs. He always inspires his audience with his key words with passion such as cool, incredible, and extraordinary awhile most business people use their own words and try to complicate instead. Steve jobs’ words are the key recipe to make even products have richer taste.

As you could see, he has been around for a long time with lots of stuff. He influences many generations globally. Lots of CEO usually eat fabulous food and get fat with expensive suits while Steve Jobs wear his signature jeans and black turtle neck on the stage. I assure that he will always influence and introduce us something. Something that change the way we live, so what if he got an attitude. We still wait for him to rock our world.

Work Cited;
(1) Youtube Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
Youtube broadcast yourself 31 Oct 2010
(2) Wilcox, Joe. "i Tunes: 5 billion served." eWeek 25.20 (2008): 7. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 30 Oct. 2010.
(3) Jeffry S , Young iCon Steve Jobs; The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business
(4) Andy Herzfeld May 1985 The end of an era